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The scientific work

The scientific work (Dalman, 2012: 113-114) have characteristics that can be assessed a minimum of four aspects, namely:• StructureGrain structure very rigorous scientific work, usually consisting of a beginning, a core part and the concluding section. The initial part is an introduction to the core, while the core is a staple dish ideas to be conveyed.• Components and substanceComponents scientific work varies according to type, but all scientific work contains an introduction, the core part, the cover, and a bibliography. Scientific articles published in the journal requires the existence of an abstract.• Attitude authorThe attitude of the authors in scientific work is an objective, which is delivered by using words or impersonal style.• The use of languageThe language used in scientific work is the language that is reflected from the choice of words or phrases, and sentences that effectively with a standard structure.While the characteristics of popular scientific works according to Justice (2004: 57) sorted as follows:1. Materials such objective fact2. Presentation uses language carefully, not too formal but still consistent, systematically arranged; not load hypothesis.3. Attitude author does not provoke questions dubious.4. The inference is done by giving the facts.While the characteristics of popular scientific articles, namely:1. If the reader is a professional journal article or a specialist in a discipline, then the reader of popular science essay is the general public, lay or professional in other fields.2. If the author of the journal article besides giving name, academic institution where he works as well as their academic qualifications, the author of popular scientific essay to write the name without any other information, unless he is a reporter.3. If a journal article written by factual writing style and "cold" (non-emotional) for the sake of objectivity, it is a popular science essay written by an informal style, anecdotes, personal, and entertaining.4. If a journal article written by a sentence that is more complex and relatively long and full of technical terms, the popular scientific articles written by the sentences short and simple and easy to read.5. If the journal article included a quotation, footnote (footnotes) and a bibliography that written material that can be validated, then the popular scientific articles are generally not meyertakan such information.6. If the journal article is filled with verbal and writing a little table, the popular scientific articles are often equipped with a variety of illustrations, drawings, photographs, etc.


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