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the protection of non-living resources in the form of natural resource conservation in various abiotic soil conservation

the protection of non-living resources in the form of natural resource conservation in various abioticsoil conservationSoil conservation is defined as the placement of each plot on how to use the land according to their ability and treated in accordance with the conditions necessary to avoid damagesoil. While water conservation in principle is the use of water that falls to the ground as efficiently as possible, and the timing of the flow so that no destructive floods and there is enough water during the dry season. Soil and water conservation issues are complex and require close cooperation between the various disciplines such as soil science, biology, hydrology, and so forth. The discussion on soil and water conservation is always going to be separated from the discussion of the hydrological cycle. The hydrological cycle includes the processes that exist in the soil, water bodies, and the atmosphere, which in essence there are two processes, namely evaporation and precipitation driven by solar energy. Watershed (DAS) is an area bounded by natural boundaries (topography) where runoff that falls will flow into small rivers to get to the big river eventually reaches a lake or the sea. Watershed management seeks to harmonize the dichotomy between economic and ecological importance. Short-term economic interests would be threatened if the ecological importance is ignored. On the contrary, ecological improvement involves the community will not be maintained continuously without members direct impact on improving the economic welfare of society. To achieve the goal of watershed management efforts required by the principal goals:a. Stewardshipb. Water managementc. Vegetation management.Erosion and Methods of Soil and Water Conservation of soil erosion is a process which is then transported from one place to another by force such as: water, waves or ocean currents, wind, and glaciers.There are two main types of erosion that is normal erosion / geology and erosion accelerated. Ie normal erosion processes occurring in soil transportation under circumstances of natural vegetation. This erosion process lasted very long and the process that led to topographical features visible today, such as: cliffs, valleys, and so forth. While the transport of soil erosion is accelerated to inflict damage on the ground due to human activities that disturb the balance between the formation and transport of soil.According to the shape becomes differentiated erosion: sheet erosion, gully erosion, gully erosion, stream bank erosion, landslides, and internal erosion.1. Soil and Water Conservation and Watershed ManagementThe main factors that affect erosion is the climate, topography, vegetation, soil, and human. Eischemeier (1976) developed equations annual average soil loss is: A = R K L S C P,WhereA is the number of eroded soil,R is a factor of rainfall and runoff,K is the soil erodibility,L is the length of the slope factor,S is the steepness of the slope factor,C is a factor of vegetation ground cover and crop management, andP is a factor of soil conservation. Some soil conservation methods can be divided into three main groups, namely:(1) methods of vegetative,(2) mechanical methods, and(3) chemical methods.2. Conservation of Energy and Mineral ResourcesEnergy is defined as the ability to do work. Some things to consider in order to sustainable energy use, among others, is how to regulate the use of qualified energy, minimize the use of energy for transport, and energy fisien change. Energy conservation can be done in the areas of transport, buildings and industry. Types of mineral resources can be classified according to their purposes to be a resource that is metallic and nonmetallic minerals.Metallic mineral resources are divided into:1. abundant metal, for example iron and aluminum.2. The rare metals, such as copper and zinc. Non-metallic mineral resources are divided into:1. minerals for chemical fertilizers and special purposes, such as phosphates and nitrates.2. building materials, such as sand and asbestos.3. fossil fuels, such as petroleum and coal, and4. Water, for example, river water and groundwater. Provisions on the management of mineral resources regulated in Law No. 11 Year 1967 on Basic Provisions of Mining. In Article 3 of the Act stated that the mineral deposits, divided into three categories, namely:A class is strategic minerals,group B is vital minerals, andclass C is excavated materials that are not included in the class A and B.Implementation of Law No. 11 of 1967 is set on Government Regulation (PP) No. 32 of the year 1969. According to the provisions of Article 1 of the PP said the mining authority to carry out the mining of minerals of class A and B is given by the Minister, while class C is given by the Governor of the Province


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