"Land for Prosperity, Prosperity of the People"
Soil is a vital element in the life of the nation. Land is adhesive throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). The Preamble to the Constitution of 1945 has formulated Homeland ideals of "social justice for all Indonesian people". The mandate contained in the Preamble to the Constitution of 1945, and then set out in Article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution which states that "earth and water and natural resources contained in it are controlled by the State and used for the welfare of the people". This constitutional mandate, as further regulated in Law Number 5 of 1960 on the Basic Regulation of Agrarian or better known as the Basic Agrarian Law (BAL).
In the spirit of reform, in 2001 the MPR issued the Resolution No. IX / MPR / 2001 on Agrarian Reform and Natural Resources Management, the policy direction set out agrarian reform, among others:1. reexamining the various legislations pertaining to agrarian policy in order to synchronize between sectors.2. To carry out realignment of control, ownership, use and utilization of land (land reform) equitable with regard to the people's land ownership.3. Organize data collection and registration of land through inventory control, ownership, use and exploitation of land comprehensively and systematically within the framework of implementation of land reform.4. Resolving conflicts with regard to agrarian resources, as well as to anticipate potential conflicts in the future.5. Strengthening institutions and authorities in order to carry out the implementation of agrarian reform and resolving conflicts relating to agrarian resources that occur.6. Seek earnestly financing in implementing agrarian reform program and the resolution of conflicts of agrarian resources.
Government regulations such as Government Regulation No. 40 Year 1996 on leasehold, Broking, and the Right to Use Land; Government Regulation No. 41 of 1996 on PemilikanRumah Residential or Residential By Foreigners domiciled in Indonesia; and Government Regulation No. 24 of 1997 on Land Registration.
namely treasury customary law customary rights that describes the strong will to achieve national agrarian law stemming from the original Indonesian law, so philosophically get anywhere justifications. Some concept of past policies that bore imbalances and disputes over control of land and other natural resources, often not solely weaknesses in the concept, but the implementation side. Political changes in economic populist, unpreparedness to describe the idea that idolizes and the fragility of the rule of law in the field of agrarian law soul with BAL has made this nation further and further away from reality coveted. While the state does not
Essentially the right to control the State is right at the highest level as an organization controlled by the state power of the people. This right gives the state authority as mentioned in Article 2 paragraph (2) BAL. The controlling right of these countries to build relations between the nations, which is a kind of relationship of customary rights, appointed to the top level is the level of the whole country. The birth of the Constitutional Court as the guardian of democracy and protector of human rights expressly provides commentary
1945 Constitution article 33 paragraph (3), which reads; "Earth, water and natural resources contained in it are controlled by the state and used for the greatest prosperity of the people". Thus the constitutional foundation of the water regulation is Article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution and Article 28 H 1945 which provides the basis for the recognition of the right to water as part of the right to life of physical and spiritual prosperity that it means to be the substance of human rights. While when seen from the aspect of the BAL, it means that the rights of control mentioned in Article 2 paragraph 2 Basic Agrarian Law (BAL), which contains three such authority should enter into it a regulatory function, maintenance, management and supervision. Thus, it will become clear that the State's Rights (HMN) does not suffice him on the three authority so that mastery goal remains supervised and controlled in order to really fit with the aim of achieving the greatest welfare of the people. Then how the correlation between HMN with Traditional right?
Customary rights referred to in Article 3 of Law Agrarian Law (BAL), that the implementation of customary rights and rights similar to that of the communities customary law, so far as the fact still exist, must be such that in accordance with national and state interest , which is based on unity of the nation and must not conflict with the Act and other regulations are higher. The essence of
In this case the customary rights should be given seluas2nya for people and can be made a source of livelihood, the state must limit foreign companies in Indonesia tilling the soil so that the soil can be utilized fully by the citizens and the people of Indonesia because the land is the main source of livelihood for humans.Avoid copying and pasting the whole of the source text. Source readings should be edited, analyzed and then used as ingredients in the task. In this way it has been a process of learning. Try to compare with the sample answers below.Is the hallmark of an agrarian country, the land to be factors that cause a variety of problems such as social inequality, poverty, food security and industry. Conceptually land should be the main tool to deliver prosperity to the people in a fair and equitable. One strategy that is widely used and successful in many countries is to issue policies Agrarian Reform. What is the agrarian reform? In general, the agrarian reform includeAgrarian Reform in a broad sense includes the implementation of:a. agrarian reform law;b. the elimination of the rights of foreign and colonial concessions on land;c. put an end to feudal exploitation gradually;d. an overhaul of the ownership and control of land and legal relations concerned with land tenure;e. inventory planning and allotment of land, water and natural resources contained therein are planned, in accordance with their abilities and capabilities.Basically the Government of the Republic of Indonesia since the beginning of independence has started implementing agrarian reform in a way to curb such efforts, for example in terms of the policies abolition villages mempunnyai privileges in 1946. Then, in 1958, published a policy of eliminating private land, ie land the land has the right seignorial and eigendom land covering an area of more than 10 bouw (7 hectares) of land legally be directly controlled by the State and its peak with the issuance of Law No. 5 of 1960 on the Basic Regulation of Agrarian (BAL) as the legal basis for the implementation of land reform in Indonesia. BAL is ordered to the government to work to improve people's welfare by:1. Prohibiting agricultural land holdings beyond the limit (Article 7)2. Prohibit have absentee land (Article 10)3. Redistribution of lands excess of the maximum limit, the land affected by absentee, the former self-government land and other land (Article 17)4. Setting about returns and redemption farms mortgaged5. Re-organization sharing agreement agricultural land (Article 53)6. Determination of minimum agricultural land ownership and restrictions on the deeds that lead to solving land tenure into parts that are too small. (Article 17)With the issuance of Law No. 5 of 1960 that it became increasingly clear that the purpose of agrarian reform, or better known as the Land Reform in Indonesia is to enhance the income and standard of living of farmers tilling the soil. With the Law on State formally given the power to regulate and organize the use and maintenance of earth, water, including semuana space devoted to the welfare of the people and guarantees for every citizen Indonesia has a degree of living.But some things should also be a concern that1. In the case of public interest agrarian reform prioritize land for State purposes, houses of worship, social services, culture, location development tools agricultural production, animal husbandry, fisheries, industry, transmigration and mining.2. To increase the life tarap farmers and all the people made an increase in agriculture for example, enables the provision of agricultural tools, improved agricultural technologies supported by Panca Usaha Tani, increased industrial fertilizers and pest control drugs, help the marketing of agricultural production, increasing the agro-industry and agribusiness, and so forth.However, above all the most important is the implementation of all such policies. As good-good policy but only on paper, the impact will not be felt at all but the least of weak policies when applied fully so much impact on the livelihoods of our people.
Soil is a vital element in the life of the nation. Land is adhesive throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). The Preamble to the Constitution of 1945 has formulated Homeland ideals of "social justice for all Indonesian people". The mandate contained in the Preamble to the Constitution of 1945, and then set out in Article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution which states that "earth and water and natural resources contained in it are controlled by the State and used for the welfare of the people". This constitutional mandate, as further regulated in Law Number 5 of 1960 on the Basic Regulation of Agrarian or better known as the Basic Agrarian Law (BAL).
In the spirit of reform, in 2001 the MPR issued the Resolution No. IX / MPR / 2001 on Agrarian Reform and Natural Resources Management, the policy direction set out agrarian reform, among others:1. reexamining the various legislations pertaining to agrarian policy in order to synchronize between sectors.2. To carry out realignment of control, ownership, use and utilization of land (land reform) equitable with regard to the people's land ownership.3. Organize data collection and registration of land through inventory control, ownership, use and exploitation of land comprehensively and systematically within the framework of implementation of land reform.4. Resolving conflicts with regard to agrarian resources, as well as to anticipate potential conflicts in the future.5. Strengthening institutions and authorities in order to carry out the implementation of agrarian reform and resolving conflicts relating to agrarian resources that occur.6. Seek earnestly financing in implementing agrarian reform program and the resolution of conflicts of agrarian resources.
Government regulations such as Government Regulation No. 40 Year 1996 on leasehold, Broking, and the Right to Use Land; Government Regulation No. 41 of 1996 on PemilikanRumah Residential or Residential By Foreigners domiciled in Indonesia; and Government Regulation No. 24 of 1997 on Land Registration.
namely treasury customary law customary rights that describes the strong will to achieve national agrarian law stemming from the original Indonesian law, so philosophically get anywhere justifications. Some concept of past policies that bore imbalances and disputes over control of land and other natural resources, often not solely weaknesses in the concept, but the implementation side. Political changes in economic populist, unpreparedness to describe the idea that idolizes and the fragility of the rule of law in the field of agrarian law soul with BAL has made this nation further and further away from reality coveted. While the state does not
Essentially the right to control the State is right at the highest level as an organization controlled by the state power of the people. This right gives the state authority as mentioned in Article 2 paragraph (2) BAL. The controlling right of these countries to build relations between the nations, which is a kind of relationship of customary rights, appointed to the top level is the level of the whole country. The birth of the Constitutional Court as the guardian of democracy and protector of human rights expressly provides commentary
1945 Constitution article 33 paragraph (3), which reads; "Earth, water and natural resources contained in it are controlled by the state and used for the greatest prosperity of the people". Thus the constitutional foundation of the water regulation is Article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution and Article 28 H 1945 which provides the basis for the recognition of the right to water as part of the right to life of physical and spiritual prosperity that it means to be the substance of human rights. While when seen from the aspect of the BAL, it means that the rights of control mentioned in Article 2 paragraph 2 Basic Agrarian Law (BAL), which contains three such authority should enter into it a regulatory function, maintenance, management and supervision. Thus, it will become clear that the State's Rights (HMN) does not suffice him on the three authority so that mastery goal remains supervised and controlled in order to really fit with the aim of achieving the greatest welfare of the people. Then how the correlation between HMN with Traditional right?
Customary rights referred to in Article 3 of Law Agrarian Law (BAL), that the implementation of customary rights and rights similar to that of the communities customary law, so far as the fact still exist, must be such that in accordance with national and state interest , which is based on unity of the nation and must not conflict with the Act and other regulations are higher. The essence of
In this case the customary rights should be given seluas2nya for people and can be made a source of livelihood, the state must limit foreign companies in Indonesia tilling the soil so that the soil can be utilized fully by the citizens and the people of Indonesia because the land is the main source of livelihood for humans.Avoid copying and pasting the whole of the source text. Source readings should be edited, analyzed and then used as ingredients in the task. In this way it has been a process of learning. Try to compare with the sample answers below.Is the hallmark of an agrarian country, the land to be factors that cause a variety of problems such as social inequality, poverty, food security and industry. Conceptually land should be the main tool to deliver prosperity to the people in a fair and equitable. One strategy that is widely used and successful in many countries is to issue policies Agrarian Reform. What is the agrarian reform? In general, the agrarian reform includeAgrarian Reform in a broad sense includes the implementation of:a. agrarian reform law;b. the elimination of the rights of foreign and colonial concessions on land;c. put an end to feudal exploitation gradually;d. an overhaul of the ownership and control of land and legal relations concerned with land tenure;e. inventory planning and allotment of land, water and natural resources contained therein are planned, in accordance with their abilities and capabilities.Basically the Government of the Republic of Indonesia since the beginning of independence has started implementing agrarian reform in a way to curb such efforts, for example in terms of the policies abolition villages mempunnyai privileges in 1946. Then, in 1958, published a policy of eliminating private land, ie land the land has the right seignorial and eigendom land covering an area of more than 10 bouw (7 hectares) of land legally be directly controlled by the State and its peak with the issuance of Law No. 5 of 1960 on the Basic Regulation of Agrarian (BAL) as the legal basis for the implementation of land reform in Indonesia. BAL is ordered to the government to work to improve people's welfare by:1. Prohibiting agricultural land holdings beyond the limit (Article 7)2. Prohibit have absentee land (Article 10)3. Redistribution of lands excess of the maximum limit, the land affected by absentee, the former self-government land and other land (Article 17)4. Setting about returns and redemption farms mortgaged5. Re-organization sharing agreement agricultural land (Article 53)6. Determination of minimum agricultural land ownership and restrictions on the deeds that lead to solving land tenure into parts that are too small. (Article 17)With the issuance of Law No. 5 of 1960 that it became increasingly clear that the purpose of agrarian reform, or better known as the Land Reform in Indonesia is to enhance the income and standard of living of farmers tilling the soil. With the Law on State formally given the power to regulate and organize the use and maintenance of earth, water, including semuana space devoted to the welfare of the people and guarantees for every citizen Indonesia has a degree of living.But some things should also be a concern that1. In the case of public interest agrarian reform prioritize land for State purposes, houses of worship, social services, culture, location development tools agricultural production, animal husbandry, fisheries, industry, transmigration and mining.2. To increase the life tarap farmers and all the people made an increase in agriculture for example, enables the provision of agricultural tools, improved agricultural technologies supported by Panca Usaha Tani, increased industrial fertilizers and pest control drugs, help the marketing of agricultural production, increasing the agro-industry and agribusiness, and so forth.However, above all the most important is the implementation of all such policies. As good-good policy but only on paper, the impact will not be felt at all but the least of weak policies when applied fully so much impact on the livelihoods of our people.
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