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Philosophy of Law and Professional Ethics

Task 1 HKUM4103 Philosophy of Law and Professional Ethics
Siblings of students, the first task, you are asked to answer the questions below:1. What is a Feminist Jurisprudence? Explain
Feminism Jurisprudence is the theory of law approach based on the female perspective of gender equality in politics, economics, and social. Feminism Jurisprudence or can be called Feminist Legal Theory in which we learn the law from the viewpoint of feminist theories. Feminism Jurisprudence theory behind this is due to reduce the patriarchal ideology through the use of ideology since the first legal and regulatory bodies is dominated by men. Feminism Theory Jurisprudence is based on the view that in the history of the feminist movement, the law is an instrument to perpetuate the subordination of women under the position of men. To realize these goals Feminism Jurisprudence using women ask what is actually desired by women, to consider all the concrete and unique experiences of women (women who are discriminated against).2. In your opinion, what is the background of this jurisprudence feminist movement? ExplainFeminist Jurisprudence has an effect on the thinking of law over the past decades. Thought the beginning of Feminist Jurisprudence itself appears to follow waves of feminist thought, particularly the second wave of the feminist American reflecting feminist interest in the field of law, precisely in the late 1960s to early 1970s. This is partly due to the increasing American women are still many who consider the law a good law is neutral and objective.
For feminists (defenders of women's rights) such a presumption is actually even legitimize gender inequality, sexual orientation, ethnicity, taste and class in society. so, in the late 1960s and especially during the 1970s, American and European feminists began to criticize the neutrality law.Since then they have tried to establish berprespektif feminist legal theory (feminist jurisprudence). Feminists consider a good law is in favor of the women (and indeed anyone) who are socially impaired for later against the persecution."Neutrality" and "objectivity" presupposed by the theory of law Legal Positivism in practice proved to justify the marginalization of women and other minorities. Because through assumptions about the laws that have an internal logic and closed, then the law it only legitimizes the truth about man and woman relationship norms prevailing in society, as well as racial truth, the truth of the ideology of sexual orientation.3. Apan do you think about the thinking of experts feminist jurisprudence? ExplainIn terms of philosophy of feminist jurisprudence is the concept of partner in accordance with the state of Indonesian society and this can make equality between men and women, this thinking makes keselarasn ​​between right and kewajiban.Feminisme Jurisprudence influence legal thought in every sphere of social relations in Indonesia include home appliances such as marriage, divorce and the family, domestic violence, employment, sexual harassment, civil rights, taxation, human rights, and reproductive rights. This is what will give equality and opportunity for women to be more independent and self menggembangkan towards indifidu advanced and modern.4. Is this movement appears also in Indonesia? explain and give examplesYes feminist jurisprudence has masuknke Indonesia, this theory go in Indonesia, not just immediately be accepted by society, including women Indonesia, it is because the people of Indonesia have had a customs, eastern culture is thick with indigenous Malay (Islam) that is not easily accept the culture from occident. but the struggle of gender activists through feminism proved gradually and slowly has changed the perception, understanding, and treatment of society at large.For example, at least in the field of law, Indonesia has the Law on Elimination of Domestic Violence (PKDRT), Law on Child Protection, Law on Trafficking, the Law of Political Parties and Elections, Law on Citizenship, Law on Pornography, the planned revision of the Marriage Act, and others.some of these laws have given broad rights to women. But achieving that goal, women still have to optimize its ability to become human resource potential.It can create the perception, existence and opportunities of women who have been structured in society becomes more open, including the building of the mothers through the development of quality family.The enactment of Law No. 23 of 2004 on the Elimination of Domestic Violence is a political struggle feminists to enter a woman's voice added to the rule of law, so that women are free from all acts of violence and discrimination, because that violence occurs in many women, so women should receive protection of the state and / or society in order to avoid and free from violence or threat of violence, torture or degrading treatment and human dignity


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