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APEC summit AND RELATIONSHIP WITH THE POLITICAL AND NATIONAL STRATEGYNational politics is defined as a general policy and policy to achieve goals and national objectives. Thus the definition of national politics is the principle, bow, business and state policy on development (planning, development, maintenance, and control) as well as the use of national power to achieve national goals. While the national strategy is how to implement the national policy in achieving the goals and objectives set by national politics.1. Rationale Preparation of Politicsand the National Strategy Formulation of political and national strategies need to understand the main ideas contained in the national management system that is based on the ideology of Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, Archipelago, and National Security.2. Preparation of Politics and StrategyNational politics and national strategies that have lasted for kenegaraaan is based on a system according to the 1945 Constitution "national strategy implemented olehpara ministers and leaders of non-departmental government institution based on instructions presidential,Political Development and National Management political objective Indonesia has stated in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution aline to 4, which is to protect the entire Indonesian nation and the entire homeland of Indonesia, promote the general welfare, educating the nation and participate in the establishment of world order based on freedom, lasting peace and social justice.Political and national implementation strategy in the fields ECONOMIC salahsatunya that Indonesia be temoat APEC summit.Indonesia became a member of APEC since its creation in 1989 and has been a member of various positive contribution to the development of APEC. The role of Indonesia in the early formation of APEC in line with international conditions and the interests of Indonesia at the time. Cold War had just ended and the economic system based on the ideology of the free market and free competition to become dominant.
Indonesia needs to continue to prepare for the competition of trade and investment so as not lagging behind other economies. The major contribution to Indonesia in the early formation of APEC Bogor Declaration was formulated during Indonesia's Chairmanship of APEC in 1994, including the Bogor Goals. Bogor Goals become a major focus of APEC to establish an Asia-Pacific region that is more free and open to trade and investment, the achievement of the Bogor Goals target for developed countries was in 2010, whilefor developing countries is in 2020. In an effort to meet commitments in the Bogor Declaration and the target of the Bogor Goals, Indonesia has contributed to the creation of one of the main pillars, namely APEC Economic and Technical Cooperation (ECOTECH).Indonesia's role in APEC continuously adapted to international conditions and the interest of Indonesia in the period concerned. When isunon-conventional issues began to emerge into the arena of international relations in the early 21st century, Indonesia also try to bring the discussion of related issues through APEC. In 2002, Indonesia became one of the originators of the development of anti-corruption cooperation in APEC.
Then in 2005, Indonesia plays an active role in the establishment of cooperation kesiaptanggapan disaster (emergency preparedness) as a response to the tsunami disaster in Aceh and some other APEC Economies. Indonesia's active role in promoting the APEC has contributed significantly, both for the region and for Indonesia itself. Based on analysis of the statistics bureau APEC secretariat, recorded an increase in total trade in goods and services among APEC Economies. Total trade with APEC Economic Indonesia in 2011 reached US $ 289.3 billion, which represents an increase of almost 10-fold when compared to the trade in 1989, which only reached US $ 29.9 billion.Indonesia needs to take advantage of the chairmanship of APEC in 2013 to promote issues related to the conditions of international, regional and national interests of Indonesia at this time. Global economic conditions are still looming over the euro zone crisis.We as students realize the importance of achieving national priorities within the context of the Chairmanship of APEC 2013. The theme will be carried by Indonesia on Chairmanship in 2013, namely "Resilient Asia Pacific; Engine of Global Growth ". Under this theme Indonesia wants to realize an Asia-Pacific region continues to grow strong, resilient, persistent, and recovered quickly in the face of global economic crisis.It is viewed can be achieved through three priorities, namely: First, Attaining the Bogor Goals (realizing and supporting the achievement of the Bogor Goals). This priority is intended to answer the challenge of protectionism as well as fulfilling the commitment of APEC leaders in realizing trade and investment kawasandengan a more free and open. In this regard, Indonesia will also promote the discussion of cooperation on the facilitation of trade and investment in the region. Second, Achieving Sustainable Growth with Equity (the achievement of sustainable growth and equitable).Under the second and third priorities, Indonesia will mainstream issues related to marine or Blue Economy, through discussion related to food security, climate change and marine connectivity. As a maritime country, Indonesia saw the need to raise the issue of marine. As a member of ASEAN, East Asia Summit and -20, it is time for Indonesia to assume and take over the lead in the architecture of the Asia and Pacific region's economy. At the APEC summit is expected in Indonesia to become the country he advanced southeast.


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